


Why CureApp provides hypertension treatment

In the US, the number of patients with hypertension is estimated to be approximately 75 million and cost the nation $48.6 billion each year.
To prevent and cure hypertension, it is indispensable for patients to improve their lifestyles. However, it is difficult for patients alone to manage and continue such efforts because doing so is largely affected by their willingness and living environment. Besides, there is a limit to how much medical institutions can intervene to improve patients' lifestyles. CureApp aims to develop a new medical care system that can bring highly effective to the lifestyle-related diseases by using technology to help patients to make lifestyle improvement.

Why CureApp Deals with Hypertension

Smoking Cessation


Why CureApp provides smoking cessation treatment

Although smoking has been the leading cause of death among adults for a long time, there has not been enough support for smokers to overcome psychological dependence, the crucial support for successful cessation.
We aim to change this situation with our technology.

Why CureApp Deals with Smoking Cessation Treatment

Nonalcoholic steato-hepatitis


Why CureApp provides liver treatment

Although NASH is not as well known as other lifestyle-related diseases, such as high blood pressure and diabetes, it is a chronic disease with a risk of developing cirrhosis or liver cancer. However, there are still no effective pharmaceutical treatments for NASH, and patients have no choice but to properly implement better dietary and exercise habits. CureApp aims to create a new treatment method to prevent severe disease states by using the power of technology.

Why CureApp Deals with Liver Treatment